052511: Peace river recon, Bison vertebra,
Mastodon, Horse teeth, antler and a few megs
052311: Kim found a great Mastodon tooth and
other good stuff.
051711: Found more at the same place, megs, one huge
deer antler and whale vertebra, and a Mammoth vert.
Water came down and cleared up already from the monsoon.
051411: Found all this in one dive, 8 Whale vertebra, 30
horse teeth, one Mastodon tooth, one Mammoth tooth, 4 partials......
Sharks teeth, skull and upper jaws of a deer and a Sloth tooth......nice day
Underwater photos, gravel patch with fossils
051411: River dive, a really-really good
day.....thanks to a dive club, I rerouted my dive, did some exploring....
and brought back 60 lbs of fossils.
032711: Ready to ride.......
032711: Found 4 Mammoth teeth in one spot, three
babies and one large tooth
032711: Awesome beach and deep 25 foot
032711: Lots of goods, teeth, sunglasses, bison,
horse, nice big perfect meg.
Found 3 nice baby mammoth teeth and a larger tooth with roots.
The large tooth was laying right out in the open under a inch of sand.....dusted
it off and WOW.
032511: River dive and recon, Mammoth tooth, Horse and a Beaver.
032111: Found a Gator snapper by mistake, I was
pulling on his head thinking it was a fossil up under a log, until......
032111: Canoe trip with Canoe Outpost, the
bestest canoe livery in the world.
030611: Rare ice bow around the sun....
030611: River run north, testing out the new
010511: River run, cold but
good colors
Finished solid oak Glass top Fossil table, 14
inches deep x 6 foot long To order one, email to
alert1@cyberstreet.com or
You can no longer remove artifacts from Florida
But you can remove fossils with a fossil permit from the state.
04/14/2019 08:08:18 AM